Sunday, April 22, 2012

Getting Ready for The Color Run!

Many moons ago, I made it a part of my routine to run at least 5 days a week. I would grab my headphones and walkman (which eventually turned into a disc man and then an iPod, thanks Apple!) and off I would go. It was very rare that I would plan out my path. I would turn my music on, and just run and be alone with my thoughts. It may not have always been the best plan. There would be days I would get to a certain point and think, "Great. Now I have to run ALL the way back!" I would tell myself each time, I am going to set a path tomorrow. I would for a few days and then go back to my carefree ways and the cycle would start all over again. I was in shape, and felt GREAT about myself!

In 2007, life became hectic. Jared graduated PA school in August, we were married in September, and made the big move to Texas in October. That is when all the excuses started. I didn't want to go for my normal carefree runs. We were new to the area, and I did not want to get lost. Yet, I did not make an effort to get familiar with my neighborhood either. Once I started working, I would not get home until after dark. That quickly became my next excuse. In February 2008, we began looking for our first home. We purchased one in March and again we were in a new area that I was not familiar with. At the time, I started to get sick and quickly gained 40+ pounds within 3 months. My doctor ran tests and figured out that I had a thyroid problem. She started me on meds that would take months to figure out the correct dosage for me to be on. At this point, I was out of shape, depressed about my weight, missing Oregon, and a million other emotions. I had every excuse to not go running.

Here it is 5 years later, and I have found myself still making excuses. Once you have kids, it is hard to get into a routine of working out. Taking care of twins is a workout in itself! Sometimes I am so exhausted, the last thing that I want to do is put my Adidas on and hit the pavement (especially now! Have you ever experienced Texas humidity?) I try to take the kids on walks everyday, it just does not always happen. I keep telling myself I need to start running again, I NEED to get back into shape! This is where The Color Run comes in.

A few weeks ago, some family members in Seattle posted on Facebook about a 5k they would be doing on Mother's Day, The Color Run. I was so interested I had to click on this link to see what all the fuss was about. I was instantly hooked and knew that this would be my motivation. I was going to take part in this 5k no matter what it would take. This is not a competitive race where you are timed. Perfect for my first time back on the saddle! It looks like it is completely laid back, and TONS of fun. You actually get paint thrown at you at certain markers. I know sounds crazy, but I'm telling you, take a look at the website! It looks like so much fun! After discussing it with Jared, I am signed up. On November 17, 2012 we will be in New Orleans and I will be taking part in this colorful race. MOTIVATION!!!!!!

I have made a promise to Bennett, Ella, and myself that I will go for a 30 minute (minimum) walk at least 5 times a week. I am going to work my way up to running again and I can't wait to get back into shape! Let the training begin.......

It was a little windy on our walk. B & E loved it and went right to sleep

Thursday, April 5, 2012

6 months already?

Today was an emotional day for me. Bennett & Ella turned 6 months! I know this may seem silly to most people, celebrating monthly "birthdays" I just feel that we have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. Six months ago today, I gave birth to my little monsters and had no idea what was in store for us. Anyone who has ever had a child in the NICU knows what a hard time this is. Regardless if your child is in there for a day or for several months, it is a very stressful time. The 3 weeks that Bennett & Ella were in the NICU seemed like eternity. I can't even begin to explain the feeling of seeing your tiny angels with several cords/tubes attached to their bodies. The worse is not being able to hold them whenever you want, or be able to just take them home. We waited for them for over 3 years, and it was so hard FINALLY having them here and just feeling so helpless. I don't know that I have ever prayed as much as I did when they were in the NICU.

Bennett Lee & Ella Mae 10/7/2011

They are my little fighters and I thank God every day for them. This is a reason why we celebrate monthly "birthdays" in our home. Silly or not, I love doing it and it brings me such joy seeing how much they grow each and every month. The last 6 months have been such a wonderful experience and I can't wait to see what the next 6 months have in store for us!